Welcome to Duraking

The most trusted brand in Brake System Industry, We manufacture Brake Pads, Rotors and Hardware Kits and we cover 99% of the North American Cars.
Our products are industry standards for all North American countries. Our friction formula is NSF-A and NSF-B standard.
Duraking brakes nsf logo a Duraking brakes nsf logo b

Brake Pads and Rotors are one of the most important parts of your vehicle.

Parameters you need to check before choosing your brake pads

1- Dust Factor: The amount of dust the pads create while grinding on the rotors, which helps you having a cleaner rim or a dirty one. Dust factor is completely depending on the pad’s friction material
2- Distance to complete stop: This factor depends on many variants, like the climate, humidity, temperature and so on, so the best brake pads are the ones which the friction material is been designed specifically for the country you live in. The following chart shows the stopping distance based on the speed you have, in this example the condition of the road is dry and flat and the weather and the humidity is 30-50% and the reaction distance is not included.
SPEED Braking Distance
40 km/h 9 meter
60 km/h 14 meter
80 km/h 36 meter
100 km/h 56 meter
3- Brake Pads Lifespan: Brake Pads lifespan is the amount of time the pad’s friction part thickness is getting less than the standard size.
The friction material is very important when it comes to the pad’s lifespan so in Duraking we are having different friction formulation for different type of cars and the engine power.
Normal brake pads lifespan is between 40,000 – 100,000 Kilometer depends on your driving habit.

How to know when to change brake pads:

you need to change the pads when you experience the following as you brake:
  • Hear Squealing sound
  • Hear Grinding Sound
  • Feel Vibration
  • Longer To Stopping Distance
  • Brake Pad Indicator Light Comes On (in Some cars)
  • Thin Pads Friction Part

How to make my pads last longer:

The brake pads lifetime is mostly based on your driving habit, if are a fast drive and brake frequently, obviously your pads lifetime is short, when you drive fast and brake hard, that will heat up the pads and the rotor and that will wear the pad’s friction part the most. So always be prepared to stop.
4- Environmentally Safe: All the brake pads friction parts contain different type of chemicals which can be harmful for the environment, like Copper, Asbestiform Fibers, Cadmium, Chromium, Mercury, …
In most of the countries specially North American countries there are standards which needs to be followed and its been govern by the company called NSF.
When you buy a brake pads you have to be careful about the standard NSF logo (3 leaves) on the box and buy the ones which follows the standards required by your country or cities
5- Always buy the right Brake system: Choosing the right brake pads or rotors completely depends on the vehicle you drive, Make, Model, Year, Engine Type and so on. Before you buy make sure you are buying the equipment which is exactly built for your vehicle or contact specialist to help you

Why Duraking

Duraking is the brand built by Ospec Automotive Parts which is the leader in manufacturing Brake System Products industry for more than 25 years.
Our research and development department are always working to find the better formulations for our brake pads and the rotors.
We are equipped with the high-end testing facilities to test our products in any different environments and situations
We follow NSF standards closely and deign our formulations based on the NSF recommendations.
By using Duraking you are buying the high-quality Brake Pads and Rotors in Manufacture pricing

Where To Buy Duraking Products

You can buy Duraking products from the following market places or from our locations in Richmond Hill area or ask your mechanic for Duraking brand,

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Contact Us

Duraking logo
1250A Reid Street, Unit 13, Richmond Hill ON, L4B 1G3
1250A Reid Street, Unit 13,
Richmond Hill ON, L4B 1G3

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